Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dance Party Ya!

Today we had lots of classes again - they're trying to cram them all in before our trip to Egypt next week! After we got out of class a group of five of us decided to go out to the city and get a few supplies before the big trip. It took quite a bit longer than we expected, but we spent our time pretty efficiently I felt, and we got lots of good treats! No one wants to be getting sick in Egypt...we have a 12 hour bus ride home without any bathrooms...need I say more? After going to the city we just had dinner and then an evening of fun and games...even though it should have been studying!
I have some crazy cool roommates and awesome friends here, and we decided to throw a "flash dance" party in our room (it was all Moon's idea...if you don't understand I can explain - Moon is one of my roommates). We decided the dance party would be from 9:45 until 10:00, and we'd go crazy! It was SO much fun. Not long enough that everyone got tired of it and didn't have any fun, but long enough that everyone could get in to it! We were making so much noise we had girls from the floor under us coming up to see what was going on - the Branch President even showed up! We thought we were going to get in trouble but all he said was "you girls have got to stop!...wait until I can go get my camera!" It was awesome! :D Well that's all for tonight!

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